
健康零食 睇雜誌學英文 耶棗

耶棗 Medjool dates 是健康零食兼食材, 食法多。比中式蜜棗乾更好😄

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Squidgy「軟熟」 ambrosial 美食  medjool dates make a fine seasonal 季節性 snack 零食 on its own, or with a handful of nuts 果仁.

But they are also our useful kitchen廚房  ingredient 食材 either play up to those sumptuous 豐富 treacly 某種糖漿似的 notes with rich alcohol 酒, unrefined sugars 原糖, 非精製糖, nuts, and warm spices香料 or provide contrast 對比 with crisps clean citrus橘類, fresh salad and cool dairy奶製品. 

Throw half dates 放已去核切半的耶棗子 into vegetable or lamb tagine摩洛哥羊㷛 , as a foil for preserved lemon 夾住醃好的檸檬 and toast almonds 夾住烘香的杏仁, or just snipe 剪 them straight直接 into couscous 非洲小米( 微粒狀意粉 用大滾水先浸20分鐘) with melted butter, cinnamon玉桂, chopped 切碎了的 parsley歐芹/番芫荽 and lemon. 

The sumptuous 豐富 texture質地 is particularly特別地 useful when making cereal bars穀物條 with nuts, seeds and oats大麥片,  unlike drier 較乾 varieties, medjools will hold any raw bar together with no need for added 無須添加 refined sugar精製糖 or syrups糖漿.

(credit 原文出自 Waitrose 旗下雜誌, 不知第幾期.剪報) 



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