曾經很頑固的我, 看到此文很有同感.
OS曉文/OS希爾曼 :
我看不出神是在為我的生活策劃一個全新的使命。 當時, 只覺得
但是 神/上帝/天父/主 說:「非也」。 之前全是 祂為我的終極呼召 作準備。
神 指導他的兒女的路向的其中一個方法是
C.S.劉易斯 曾寫道: 「我們在享樂時,神耳語,
我們的良心, 是神說話,
但我們的痛苦 是神大聲疾呼,
這是如同他用 擴音器 叫喚 這個不願聆聽神
如聾了失聰 的世界。」』
(紐約 麥米倫出版社,1962),第93頁]
Os Hillman wrote,
"... It appeared "everything was against me." I could not see that God was orchestrating a whole new calling on my life. At the moment, it seemed like the worst thing in the world. It seemed that I had been a failure. But God said, "No." All the years before had been preparation for what God's ultimate calling would be.
我們的良心, 是神說話,
但我們的痛苦 是神大聲疾呼,
這是如同他用 擴音器 叫喚 這個不願聆聽神
如聾了失聰 的世界。」』
(紐約 麥米倫出版社,1962),第93頁]
Os Hillman wrote,
"... It appeared "everything was against me." I could not see that God was orchestrating a whole new calling on my life. At the moment, it seemed like the worst thing in the world. It seemed that I had been a failure. But God said, "No." All the years before had been preparation for what God's ultimate calling would be.
One of God's methods for directing His children's steps is
through drying up resources: a job loss, a career change, or a disaster.
In these times we are willing to listen more intently, and to seek God
in ways we would not normally do.
C.S. Lewis once wrote,
"God whispers to us in our pleasures,
speaks in our conscience,
but shouts in our pains;
it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
[C.S.Lewis, The Problem of Pain
(New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1962), page 93.] "
C.S. Lewis once wrote,
"God whispers to us in our pleasures,
speaks in our conscience,
but shouts in our pains;
it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."
[C.S.Lewis, The Problem of Pain
(New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1962), page 93.] "