
聯合 國 國際母語日(bilingual with English here)

2月21日 聯合國 國際母語日和我們有甚麼關係?
United Nation  International Mother Language Day.

「普教中」剥奪香港學生用母語(廣東話) 學習「中國語文科」的權利.

= 干擾香港人下一代學習和使用傳統正體中文字/「繁體字」.

傳統正體中文字/繁體字, 有千多年歷史.現在只剩人華民國台灣和香港承傳.
簡體字, 至今只有六十多年歷史,
北京安插在香港的傀儡政權 一步步進行文化改造文化清洗,


(後記: 為甚麼聯合國網站只有簡體中文版? 有違承傳文化遺產!!

再補誌後記: 2月中,在教育局更新課程 假諮詢的截止日前, 網民努力提大家去信反對.
但, 之前, 也大量人反對洗腦性質的國民教育, 卻也已悄悄滲入不同的
因為, 親北京政權已派了很多傀儡入主 教育局﹑立法會﹑保安局﹑警校﹑警察﹑區議會﹑大小機構﹑教師家長會﹑業主立案法團 ... 北京決心要同化香港殖民香港改造香港.

. "Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. "
Yet, the Hong Kong puppet government has been taking away the rights of Hong Kong pupils & students to study Chinese Language subject in mother language (Cantonese廣東話) by changing the teaching medium to Putonghua Mandarin 普通話 as part of the cultural cleansing.
That government is also trying to push the teaching of Simplified Chinese text to Hong Kong pupils & students.
Traditional Chinese text has thousands of years history and now only preserved by ROC Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Simplified Chinese was developed by the communist PRC China for the illiterate.
The Hong Kong government, planted by Beijing, is pushing against United Nation's resolution A/RES/61/266  

When the whole world talked about preserving heritage, how can we do the opposite!!!!!

P.S.  Why is United Nation only put Simplified Chinese text in its website?
That is completely ignore the rights & culture of Taiwan people & Hong Kong people ! !
The parties and decision makers bent to the economic power of PRC or the bribery from PRC?)


p.p.s. around mid-Februry in Hong Kong,
the deadline for the better-than-none public consultation for the change of education curriculum in some subjects caused some concerns and people wrote to the Education Bureau to voice opposition. However, the heads of Education Bureau, Police, key persons in universities, broadcasting, news, etc, are all minions & puppets of the puppets Chief Executive of HK. Even the majority in the Legislative Council & many organisations are minions & puppets from pro-Beijing parties & pro-establishment parties. What can you expect? Beijing have decided to assimilate HK, colonize HK, re-mould HK into PRC style.
HELP. God save Hong Kong people & Hong Kong culture.

#HongKong #puppetgovernment #assimilation  #colonisation #CulturalCleansing   #普教中  #傀儡  #文化清洗  #聯合國  #國際母語日  #教學語言  #InternationalMotherLanguageDay   #UnitedNation  #TeachingMedium



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