
2014.07.01 Hong Kong

video captured for part of the time.

so many people...
that they walk from 2pm to 9pm...
official figures are made smaller than actual
to tone down the social-political impact .

Citizens believe it is more like
give or take
some with elderly or babies/toddlers left early
and some other people join later.

instead of walking from starting point at the park,
which is too tiresome and take too long,
increasing number of people
prefer to join somewhere along the route.

1. Want true and fair election for chief executive one person one vote.
not like the current Mr. Leung who won by having only 689 votes.
Hence his nickname Mr.689.
2. Don't want to assimilated into China.
3. Don't want to merge into China via the various fishy policies and plans including the Northwest New Territories plan.
4. HK should take back the right to control immigration control and tourist visa .
Currently it is controlled by China.... they are flooding Hong Kong and changing our population.
5. Dislike China slowly destroying our local culture, language; brainwashing school children, etc.
6. Our govt officials and legislative council are planted with so many puppets who only do what please China.....

2 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. the puppet govt determined to help PRC colonize and assimilate HK...


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