
Christian Fasting 信耶穌基督的教徒 齋戒斷食

在第一世紀A.D.90,早期12門徙的教導 (Didache), 曾提到每天3次祈禱(主禱文/天主經) 和每星期兩日(週三週五) 齋戒斷食.

不過, 很多版本 聖經已經諸多刪減, 包括刪改神的名字, 刪走齋戒斷食..

以前的版本的聖經也常提到要 齋戒斷食+祈禱. 包括, 要驅除邪靈時 (馬可福音9章29節 * 1823年神天聖書 馬禮遜譯版﹑1863新約裨治文/ 克陛存版﹑1886年新約楊格非版﹑1906年新約全書廣東話譯本; 1611 KJV英王占姆士版, NKJV版, DARBY版, AMPC版, HCSB版, TS2009版, MEV版, WEB版, WEBBE版, WMBBE版, JUB版... ).

* 中文古本 以至華人方言版,
可用 珍本聖經數位典藏計劃 搜尋  https://bible.fhl.net/ob/
英文﹑ 日本語其他等, 可用  bible dot com,  biblestudytools,  biblehub, etc.

復活節前40天-46天(四旬期), 本來信耶穌基督的教徒為紀念主,也會齋戒斷食.

不過, 到了近代尤其華人地方,
尤其太接近農曆新年,一切從簡頂多克己捐錢了事. 西方很多也只是減少一餐/份量/星期五吃魚...

Purposeful Fasting (Clyde Taber) 
齋戒斷食禁食 (Clyde Taber)

          Fasting is a strange word to our ears. We cringe, hesitate, and dismiss it. We sidestep it as gingerly as the religious leaders bypassed the beaten man in Jesus' parable. Yet fasting was part of the rhythm and flow of the life of the early Church. 
    Jesus Christ affirmed and embraced the Old Covenant practice of fasting. "When you give to someone in need" (Matthew 6:2), "when you pray" (Matthew 6:5), "when you fast" (Matthew 6:16) he taught on the mount. Jesus assumed giving, praying, and fasting were a normal part of the spiritual life. These are not electives, but a part of the core teaching in the school of Christ.
“當你給有需要的人”(馬太福音6:2)時,“當你禱告”(馬太福音6:5)時,“當你齋戒斷食”(馬太福音6:16),他在山上教訓。 耶穌假定奉獻,祈禱和禁食是精神生活的正常部分。 這些不是選修課,而是基督學校核心教學的一部分。

          Fasting preceded many great hinge points in human history. After Moses fasted he received the tablets that changed our knowledge of sin and the world's sense of rightness (Exodus 34:28). After Jesus fasted the cup began to flow with the wine of the New Covenant (Matthew 4:2). After the early Church leaders fasted the Jesus movement exploded beyond the borders of Palestine (Acts 13:2). The 20th Century Church in Asia fasted and now it grows at unprecedented rates. The Father loves to reward those who fast with a pure heart (Matthew 6:18).
            齋戒斷食禁食在人類歷史上的許多偉大關鍵點之前。 摩西齋戒斷食禁食之後,他收到了改變了我們對罪惡知識和世界正義感的(刻有十戒的)板(出埃及記34:28)。 在耶穌齋戒斷食禁食之後,杯子開始流著「新約」的酒(馬太福音4:2)。 早期教會領袖齋戒斷食禁食 耶穌運動超越巴勒斯坦邊界(徒13:2)。 亞洲二十世紀教會禁食,現在以前所未有的速度增長。 天父/父神 喜歡回報用純潔的心齋戒斷食的人(馬太福音6:18)。
           Fasting precedes purpose and so purpose should precede fasting. When we fast, we should consider it a time of "setting aside" in order to "take up." We abstain from food for a time in order to better focus on Christ and His kingdom. Fasting requires resolution and dedication. We take time to exit the highway of our busy lives. Fasting is most beneficial when accompanied with seeking, sacrificing and sowing to the Spirit rather than flesh. When we eat, we satisfy the flesh. When we fast, we reach beyond the flesh to the realm of the Spirit.
        齋戒斷食禁食為達至目的,因此目的應在齋戒斷食之前。 當我們齋戒斷食時,我們應該視之為了「放下再接受」的一段時間. 為了更好地關注基督和他的國度,我們不進食一段時間。 禁食需要決心和奉獻。 我們花時間離開我們繁忙生活的高速公路。 齋戒是最有益是伴隨著 尋求﹑犧牲和在聖靈播種, 而不是肉體。 當我們吃東西時,我們滿足肉體。 當我們斷食齋戒,我們超越肉體達到靈的境界。

Fruitfulness in fasting is not quickly achieved. It is a practice that is enhanced with time and experience.When we enter into a season of fasting, the Lord gives grace. For a moment it reminds us of death, and then the Spirit translates the absence of food into a sense of life, light and discernment.

齋戒斷食的成果不是快速實現. 它是一種按歲月經驗漸進地提高的行為 . 當我們進入一個禁食的時期,主施予恩典。斷食齋戒有時提醒我們死亡,然後聖靈轉化這食物的缺乏 為一種生命﹑光明和有靈感智慧的感覺.
          As Jesus Christ was deliberate in his journey to Jerusalem, may we follow him in this practice. Not "if," but "when you fast."

其實, 齋戒斷食又何止信奉基督的教呢?

古今中外, 靈修/提昇靈力靈命,
也是 素食齋戒斷食靜心專心禱告祈求的. 
