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moon cake. Mid-Autumn Festival 月餅.中秋

Mid-Autumn Festivals among Chinese societies based on lunar calendar.
The full moon and mood cake have several meanings and stories.

1. Sheung-Ngo flew up to the moon.
2. People using moon cake to pass secret message to rally for revolution in late Yuen Dynasty, overthrow the foreign authority who ruled terrbily.
3. Celebrate Autumn harvest of vegetables and fruits which meant wealth for farmers families, too.
4. Full moon symbolise full house of family members together.
5. On the 1 st and 15th day of the lunar calendar, Some Chinese stop eating meat. Especially the full moon day, eating mostly veg and fruits.


that they here we us

what can people do 
when faced with the oppressions
from the puppet government planted by the starred red-flag country?

they are assimilating and killing hong kong...
brainwashing hk people with their lies and control of media & schools ...
most people are so hard-pressed with the daily life ...
and burdens....... and few are really willing or can to much....



香 港 被 共 匪 得 慘 不 忍 睹. 連小小事如.... …近年乘搭火車巴士,付坐位票價,卻是只能站着, 因為超大量自由行人士和行李喼, 令港人罰站成千上萬次, 權利和生活水平被拖累被剝削,辛苦了。 尚未計 商店生態、租金、蹲地 走水貨 丟垃圾 隨地大小二便 市容衞生 活動空間(海灘/郊區/露營點) 各種設施 過擠、 又嚇走優質西方旅客…等問題。 我們已包容了N萬菲印外傭, 但每年以千萬計的自由行,真太多了。 一旦開通中港汽車自由行,恐會更糟。 整 體 原 因= 傀.儡.政.府. 根.本.無 為 香 港 人 設 想。 令人受罪。 政 治 每分每秒 和我們 息息相關。 Hong Kong is really being messed up by that starred red-flag country. Hong Kong people are putting up with issues painfully.... including every small things caused by all those biased policies set up by the puppet governments and planted officials. The almost unlimited huge numbers of free-roaming novel riche China tourists, making HK citizens stands, their poor hygiene peeing and pooping in public places, causing unhealthy biased development of the tourist shops of goods catered for them, pushing up rents, taking up our health care, sport facilities, beaches, country parks, etc....